









Wilder shores of desire door Marc Quinn, 2011







Celebration of life


Quinn is gefascineerd door orchideeën: "Orchids are like perfectly evolved little sculptures in themselves, they're full of colour, interesting shapes and beauty. Even though they are a plant's reproductive organs, they pun on human ones too. They make you realise it is colour, life and sexuality that keeps the world turning. They are a celebration of life. I like all kinds of flowers, irises, sunflowers and anthuriums are great but none are quite as good as orchids.”










Marc Quinn (Eng. 1964)


Wikipedia NL            Wikipedia E                     www.marcquinn.com


Quinn: “All my work is about what it is to be a person alive in the world.”


Quinn: "I like to bring real life into art. But look at any news bulletin and it's a million times worse. I don't make art about people being blown up. Art should reflect the time you live in. I'm making art for the future, for people who have not been born yet."


"An artwork is like a time machine. It's the only thing that can carry emotions through time. That's why it's important to make art about now."





                                                                                                                        bruikleen privé-collectie





Yorkshire Scupture Park, Engeland


Foto’s: juli 2016




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